GS2A is a Formation of frontline organizations rooted in climate justice. Join our next monthly regional call.


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How it grew

In 2019, organizers launched Gulf South for a Green New Deal, the nation’s first Formation advancing a regional vision for a just climate transition. Now, that vision lives on through Gulf South 2 Appalachia (GS2A), a new Formation advancing the traditions of the Southern Freedom Struggle.

A community leader from Puerto Rico leads other frontline leaders in a group activity with yarn at the June, 2023 assembly in Baton Rouge




The past and future of frontline leadership

Rooted in Powerful Relationships

The Gulf South and Appalachia are linked by shared geography and history. Rich with natural resources and diverse cultures, the region has long been a target for extraction, pollution and displacement. For generations, frontline leaders have worked to repair the relationship between the lands, waters, and peoples, guided by Indigenous wisdom and practices.

GS2A continues these historic efforts by finding and training a network of visionary, leaderful communities across the region. It is rapidly becoming one of the largest climate justice Formations in the nation, connecting organizers and movements across 17 states to build momentum and political power.
A climate justice leader in hoop earrings holds the microphone at the June, 2023 assembly in Baton Rouge

#We Choose

Farmland and forest sit at the foothills of a green mountain
National Climate Action Strategy

For too long, Black and Indigenous people across our region have borne the brunt of the climate crisis. Yet, our voices are often excluded from upstream policy decisions. After the destruction of Hurricane Ida in 2021, we convened over 150 frontline leaders to form a new vision: #WeChooseNow.

for the Gulf and Appalachia.
for future generations.
for climate action.
Our Journey So Far

Ready to 




Register for the next GS2A Regional Call, scheduled for the first Wednesday of every month from 2-3:30 PM CST/3-4:30 PM ET!


Three frontline leaders from Puerto Rico stand together, one holding a skein of yarn, at the June, 2023 assembly in Baton Rouge

Resources &


Four Gulf South leaders smile and hold a sign for industry accountability
Climate Action Strategy


Two cleanup crew in high vis gear members stand on the site of an oil spill at Huntington Beach, California
Gulf South Rising CCF Guide


A Frontline leader stands in front of small boat leaving dock
Gulf South for Green New Deal Policy Platform
